


definition: Sama, Kun, Chan, San

This is a response to Samsan's question about how to use Sama, Kun, Chan and San when you call your japanese people. Here is general definitions for each word.

Sama is used to call a person in the most respective manner. It's just like Sir or Madam in English. If you work for a company, you should call your customers their name with Sama.

Kun is used to call a male kid or a male person at the same or yonger age than you. 

Chan is similar to Kun but generally for Girls.You may use Chan for a both male and female kid, or female person at the same or yonger age. My mom calls me Yuki-kun or Yuki-chan.

San is useful word. You can use it for anyone in most of the situations. In fact, I use it all the time at work, to call my colleagues, boss, and my friends.

Without any one of those would be ok for only your very close friends, subordinates or family members. It may sound strong and intimate. If you say so to the person you don't know well, you would be regarded as a rude person.So be careful to use if you are not a native japanese speaker.

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