


[翻訳] ロケットはC++で書かれている

reedit: We are SpaceX Software Engineers - We Launch Rockets into Space - AMA

We are software engineers at SpaceX. We work on:
  • Code that goes on rockets and spacecraft.
  • Code that supports the design and manufacturing process of rockets and spacecraft.
We work on everything from large-scale web applications to tiny embedded computing platforms. We build tech stacks on C#/MVC4/EF/MSSQL via REST to Javascript/Knockout/Handlebars/LESS, C++/Embedded Linux, Python, LabVIEW… which all together enables us to build, launch, and monitor stuff that goes to space.
[SpaceX]: 僕たちはSpaceXという会社のエンジニアで、以下のコードを書いているんだ。
  • ロケットと宇宙船のコード
  • ロケットと宇宙船の設計、製造を支援するためのコード

また、僕らは大規模なWebアプリから小さな組み込むソフト等なんでもやる。C# MVC4, EF, MSSQLベースでREST APIをJavascript, Knockout, Handlebars, LESSで使ったり、組み込みLinuxのC++、Python、LabView ・・・などを使っている。

[–]wakanooms 226 ポイント  前
Hello! I have several questions for you guys, I am currently studying for a degree in Astrophysics so what you guys do definitely applies to me! :)
For the space industry, what do you guys find to be the most used/useful programming language, and also which language is best to begin learning in order to progress to others? (I have very very little programming experience and am very interested in getting started as every aspect of the industry/research seems to require a basic understanding in some form of programming)

[質問者]: やあ、いくつか質問してもいいかな。僕は現在天体物理学を勉強しているので、あなた達のやっていることは僕にも関係すると思うんだ。宇宙業界ではどのプログラミング言語が一番使われる/使えるんだい?またどの言語から始めるのがいいのかな?(僕はプログラミングの知識が全然無いけど、業界で必要とされているのでチャレンジしてみたいんだ)

[–]spacexdevttySpaceX[S] 251 ポイント  前
For all software engineers (not space related) C is a great language to get started. It forces you to learn about how the CPU works, how memory works, etc., but high enough you’re not writing assembly. Once you’ve mastered C take a look at C++.


[–]droogans 32 ポイント  前
I've heard that the conveniences that C++ provides do not outweigh the cost in complexity that big projects usually create when using some of the advanced features of C++. What advantages do you experience using C++ over C?

[質問者]: 大規模プロジェクトでは、C++の利便性は複雑性を上回ると聞いてるけど、CではなくC++使うことのメリットを感じたことがあるかい?

[–]spacexdevttySpaceX[S] 93 ポイント  前
Encapsulation is the big one
[SpaceX]: カプセル化が一番かな。

[–]rellim7 146 ポイント  前
What experience/schooling does one need to get a job with spaceX? Or intern even?

[–]spacexdevttySpaceX[S] 206 ポイント  前
We all come from a diverse background of companies and schools. Most of us are Computer Science students but we definitely have a good amount of EE, Physics, Math, Computer Engineering, and even some self-taught engineers here. For Flight Software, C++ and algorithm/data structure knowledge are very important. For Enterprise Information Systems, C# or Front End experience + great algorithm/data structure knowledge. For Launch Engineering (the team that uses LabVIEW), awesome LabVIEW + great algorithm/data structure knowledge. See the trend? Study math and know your sorting algorithms.
[SpaceX]: 皆様々なバックグラウンド(企業や学校)を持っている。そのほとんどはコンピュータサイエンスだけど、電気工学、物理学、数学、コンピュータ工学、また独習したエンジニアもいる。飛行関連のソフトウェアにはC++、アルゴリズムとデータ構造がとても重要で、エンタープライズシステムはC#かフロントエンドとアルゴリズムとデータ構造の知識が必要になってくる。Launch EngineeringはLabVIEW、アルゴリズムとデータ構造かな。

[–]cochico 109 ポイント  前
wow, you all look really young. How old are you and how did you end up in that (awesome) job ?
[質問者]: 君たちはとても若く見えるね、何歳ぐらい?どうやってそのクールな仕事を得たんだ?

[–]spacexdevttySpaceX[S] 121 ポイント  前
We did a quick informal poll and we think the average software engineer age is about 30.
How did we get here? We applied through the website or were contacted by a recruiter. :)
[SpaceX]: アンケートをとったところ、ソフトウェアエンジニアの平均年齢は約30歳ぐらいだった。どうやって仕事をえたかって?ウェブサイトで応募するかリクルーターを通じてかな。

[–]adrianbedard 37 ポイント  前
I'm studying computer engineering in college. What do I need to know before I can properly intern with SpaceX.


[–]spacexdevttySpaceX[S] 51 ポイント  前
On the software side, actual coding experience (hobby or class projects) look great on your resume. We also love to see passion about space; feel free to dork out on your resume or interview. We use C++ a lot but there is also plenty of Python, C# and even some Matlab is used here. Some experience with lower-level systems such as the networking stack doesn’t hurt. Align yourself with a professor and attach yourself whatever he or she is working on. High altitude balloon projects are now relatively easy to get started with a few friends and can be very applicable.


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